We really satisfy with your skill and appreciate your working attitude, so we would like to confirm your bridal make-up service on our big day. I'll contact you tomorrow for confirmation and payment.
Thanks. We really happy to have you as my MUA.
As I really satisfy with your skill and attitude, I'll recommend you in ESD and to my friends with your contact .
Mona and patrick
我都 confirm 左 ida 喇! ida 真係好有心機同好細心. 佢仲有好多日本的書俾我參考 d 髮型. 佢個妝好貼架. 可能因為之前o係金都試過一個 mua 好唔得的關係, 我覺得 ida 好好呀~ 我 d fd 睇過我試妝 d 相之後都話化得好, 起碼真係似返我個樣, 唔會話好似第二個人咁. 而且我見 ida 都考左好多試, 又開班教人化妝, so 我相信佢會係一個好好的 mua.
佢個 base 真係化的好好. 連我個都幾挑剔的 bf 都讚. 我係試一個妝, 掛妝, (haha.... 我覺得掛妝係一日的開始, 應該要試掛妝先) 試的過程 ida 都有問我的意見, 又 suggest 一 d 點樣的 hair style 會好d. 會聽我想點. 最後我都攪左 around 2 個鐘.
Thanks Ida, you are professional than me, i really don't know how to take photo.
And, I really need to say thanks as you make me more confidence & professional. So happy to meet you. I will "Add Oil" and work hard on my blog, share you link when everything ready.
You are excellent! I thank you all of you from my bottom of my heart as you all provided the most perfect makeup for me and for my family! I am so lucky and happy to have you all as my MUAs in my wedding! God bless you all~~